Article Submission

We are always looking for good blog articles to post for our readers pertaining to public safety. Please be advised that by virtue of the submission it is understood that the author has read and agrees to the terms of use, as posted in the magazine.
We accept only completed submissions that include a brief author biography at the end of the article. We greatly prefer electronic submissions via email, preferably in a scholarly format e.g., APA or MLA, if possible. Articles Features are generally 500 – 1,000 words in length. Photos are encouraged.
Send electronic submissions to submissions [at] [ ]. Please send attachments in either MS Word or Rich Text format. If your submission is selected for publication you shall receive an email response within three weeks.
—– > Please put the word “submission” in the email subject line.
Please allow at least three weeks for a positive response. If no response is received within this time period the submission was rejected.